Written by Jaslin Pember As winter nears and pre-season training peaks you may be experiencing some new aches and pains. One of the most common preseason injuries is shin splints. What are…
Benefits of Yoga in Sport
Written by Sam Moylan Yoga has many positive effects on people from all walks of life, with athletes being no exception. A large number of the world’s top sporting professionals from many…
Effect of Yoga on Pain & Disability
Written by Sam Moylan Yoga is an ancient method that is becoming increasingly popular in the western world. It is a multi-faceted practice which has many different elements, ranging from physical postures…
Ageing – Does it mean an increase in pain?
Written by Sam Moylan Ageing…it is an unavoidable fact of life and something that generally comes with the negative connotations of reduced physical capacity and an onset of aches and pains. As…
Blood Flow Restriction Training
Written by Sam Moylan What is it? Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is the restriction of blood flow to a targeted limb during exercise. BFR was first used by a Japanese bodybuilder…
Is Strength Training Safe for Kids & Teens?
Written by Kate Bunten It is a commonly held belief among many adults that children and adolescents* should avoid strength training** due to fears over safety and the risk of stunting growth.…
The PCL – A neglected injury in the back of the knee
Written by Simon Parsons A lot of athletes know of teammates, or have so themselves, sustained a traumatic knee injury – maybe an ACL, MCL, PCL or meniscus injury. But have you…
Acute Injury Management in Netball
Written by Kate Bunten Is it time to call the POLICE? Everyone has heard of the term RICE, but did you know that RICE was officially retracted in 2014 by its creator…
FRC – What is Functional Range Conditioning?
Written by Cam Watkins What is Functional Range Conditioning? In this Blog I will explain what FRC is all about and why I flew to the other side of the world to…
PREHAB – Who, What, Where and Why?
Written by Cam Watkins This Blog explores what exactly PREHAB is, who it is for, where you should do it and why you should be doing it. PREHAB vs REHAB It is…